

Real beauty should come naturally. MIRCCA is the latest beauty & health care solution specially formulated for modern ladies. 

It contains phyto-estrogen (plant hormone) and other natural ingredients, which helps to regulate and rebalance hormone, improve your skin and body condition, regain the confidence which you deserve!

美丽应寻求自然之道。新的MIRCCA就是特别为时尚女性而设的美容保健良方。 它蕴含植物雌激素与其它天然成分,有助调节与平衡体内荷尔蒙,轻易解决一般女性所面对的身体与肌肤问题,让你从内散发自然光芒! 

How Phyto-estrogen works?
Phyto-estrogen contains active chemical constituents such as isoflavones, coumestans and lignans, which work as hormone balancer. 
According to a research, it shows that phyto-estrogen will gently mimic the role played by steroidal estrogens when the body's steroidal estrogen levels are low. 
Meanwhile, if the levels of steroidal or environmental estrogens in the body are too high, phyto-estrogens block their access to estrogen receptor sites, substituting their own milder estrogenic activity for the excessively strong estrogenic effects created by overabundant steroidal or environmental estrogens. 
This chemical reaction helps to maintain the level of our body's steroidal estrogen, which eventually helps us to achieve the best health and beauty.

植物雌激素蕴含异黄酮、黄豆素与木酚素等活性化学成分,帮助平衡体内荷尔蒙。植物雌激素可自行感应体内细胞的雌激素水平。 据一项研究显示,当人体雌激素偏低时,植物雌激素将会增加人体雌激素的水平。 当人体雌激素偏高时,植物雌激素又会帮助降低人体雌激素的水平。 这种补充与平衡作用可确保体内荷尔蒙长时间维持在正常水平,从而发挥长久的美容与保健效益。

Are you facing these problems?



Bad concentration无法集中精神

Bad skin condition (wrinkles, dark spots, bad skin complexion etc.)肌肤问题(皱纹、色斑、肤色不均匀等 )

Premenstrual syndrome经前期综合征

Small/Sagging breast胸部发育不健全 / 下垂 / 萎缩


Vaginal discharge/Loosening Vaginal Wall阴道分泌物/阴道壁松弛

Hair loss/Premature graying脱发/过早白发

Muscle pain肌肉疼痛

Benefits of Mircca for health purpose

    Promote Better Health                                    维持身体健康

Keep your vagina healthy维持阴道健康

Increase vaginal elasticity恢复阴道紧致

Promote ovary health呵护子宫健康

Reduce PMS syndrome舒缓经前期综合征

Reduce menstrual pain舒缓经痛

Prevent breast cancer/endometrial cancer/colorectal cancer预防乳癌 / 子宫内膜癌 / 大肠癌

Increase sex drive增加性生活质量

Improve sleeping quality增加睡眠品质

Reduce bad cholesterol/blood pressure降低坏胆固醇/血压

Promote blood circulation促进血液循环

Prevent cardiovascular diseases预防心血管疾病

Benefits of Mircca for beauty purpose

Breast enhancement自然丰胸

Breast firming提拉与紧实胸部

Balance breast size平衡乳房大小

Better skin condition (Solve the problems
of dark spots, fine lines and sagging)

Slow the aging process延缓老化

Beautiful & healthy heel/hair美丽与健康脚跟 / 秀发

Shinny and healthy nails维持指甲健康光泽

Reshape your body雕塑身形


Soy Extract, Mirifica, Lobata, Fenugreek, Fennel, Amino Acid, Collagen, Isolated Soy Protein, Organic Soy Powder and Fructose 大豆异黄酮, 野葛根, 葛根片, 葫芦巴, 茴香, 氨基酸, 胶原蛋白, 分离大豆蛋白, 有机大豆粉, 果糖

Soya Extract
The natural phyto-estrogen in soy stimulates the growth of breast tissue, maintain skin moisture and elasticity.

Contain active ingredients which can promote the growth of breast cells, improve breast firmness and elasticity.

Rich in phyto-estrogen which is very helpful in accelerate and stabilizing estrogen, promote breast growth and the formation of natural collagen

Aid in balancing female hormones and promote breast enlargement.

It is rich in phyto-nutrients that increase breast size and milk production in new mothers

Amino Acid
Control hormone production and stimulate the production of growth hormone, which helps build muscle and reduce body fat, keep the breast in perfect shape.

Isolated Protein
Necessary for breast development, helps to enhance breast growth.

Aid to enhance the appearance of breast.

Organic Soya Powder
Speed up the process of breast enhancing

CONSUMPTION METHOD: Mix 1 sachet with 150ml room temp water. 1 sachet per day in the morning with empty stomach.

PACKAGE: 1 box contains 20 sachets, 15g per sachet